Pardon My Fro - Dana Bly

An exclusive lifestyle brand of clothing, accessories, and chic home decor crafted specifically for women proud of their hair and their heritage.

When founder Dana Bly started her natural hair journey, she hit the marketplace in search of imagery of natural black women that was bold, fun, and vibrant.

When she couldn’t find what she was looking for, she decided to create it herself—and in 2010, with an instant cult-like following, Pardon My Fro was born.

Dana started Pardon My Fro to celebrate women. The women in her designs—which she calls her dolls—represent living life on your own terms and doing it with remarkable style.

Pardon My Fro - Wynn Pillow
Pardon My Fro Tavel Bag
Pardon My Fro Squad Sweater

2023 New Years Best Products

Do you Style? Pardon My Fro celebrates bold natural hairstyles with haircare that effortlessly enhances and accentuates. Your curls with thank us!

Dana started Pardon My Fro to celebrate women. The women in her designs—which she calls her dolls—represent living life on your own terms and doing it with remarkable style.